Alina Pellicer Massage & Bodywork
Massage is often thought of as an indulgence, a "treat" reserved for only those who wish to "pamper" themselves. In truth, massage is an alternative form of therapy that promotes natural healing of the body and mind. Massage therapy covers a wide range of manipulations of the soft tissues of the human body. These soft tissues include skin, muscles, tendons, associated fascia, ligaments, and joint capsules.

Massage is one of the oldest healing arts: Chinese records dating back 3,000 years document its use; the ancient Hindus, Persians and Egyptians applied forms of massage for many ailments. Today, the benefits of massage are varied and far-reaching. As an accepted part of many physical rehabilitation programs, massage therapy has also proven beneficial for many chronic conditions, including low back pain, arthritis, bursitis, fatigue, high blood pressure, diabetes, depression, and more. And, as many will attest, massage also helps relieve the stress and tension of everyday living that can lead to disease and illness.

Since massage is a natural, non-invasive form of therapy, it is a safer alternative to modern day western medicine that is often costly and produces unhealthy side effects. Massage therapy is also effective as a preventative measure. Other forms of complementary bodywork such as Reflexology and Craniosacral, are also effective as a preventative measure. It is best to start treatments before any problems arise so you can maintain good health. However, if a condition is already present, massage therapy, Reflexology and Craniosacral are modalities that will help and are natural ways to begin the healing process.

Physical Benefits
Decrease muscle tension and stiffness
Reduces pain and swelling
Eases muscle spasms
Improves circulation
Improves posture
Reduces blood pressure
Relief of tension-related headaches and migraines
Aides rehabilitation after injury
Psychological Benefits
Provides stress relief
Reduces levels of anxiety
Creates body awareness
Promotes better sleep patterns
Improves concentration

Other News and Information on Massage Therapy »
AMTA Press Release on PRNewsWire
Massage Therapy May Boost Immune System to Combat Cold, Flu
Published: November 4, 2015
A growing body of research indicates massage therapy can benefit the immune system to help prevent cold and flu during winter months


MassageToday Magazine
Massage Therapy Reduces Suffering for Patients With Advanced Illness
Contributed by Jolie Haun PhD EdS LMT; MK Brennan MS, RN, LMBT; Renee Stenbjorn MPA, LMT
Published: November 4, 2015
Patients suffering with advanced cancer or other life-limiting illnesses often experience chronic pain, anxiety, and decreased quality of life.


NIH | National Center for Complementary and Integrative Health
Massage Therapy for Health Purposes: What You Need To Know
Published: October 22, 2015
A lot of the scientific research on massage therapy is preliminary or conflicting, but much of the evidence points toward beneficial effects on pain and other symptoms associated with a number of different conditions. The study, published in the journal BMJ...

Special to the Advocate by Chris Bynum
Reflexology is not just foot massage, but therapy for the body and spirit, trainers say
Published: March 3, 2014
Anyone who thinks reflexology is simply a foot massage may as well keep his shoes on, say those who know the real thing. The alternative therapy is a practice old enough to be traced back to 2500 B.C., yet modern enough to be one of the fastest-growing fields in alternative healing therapies today.





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Alina Pellicer, LMT